Contact Us

We’re here to help!  ADSO’s Executive Staff is ready to offer support, answer your questions, and get you the information you need.

Where You Can Find Us

Association of Dental Support Organizations

1800 M Street, NW 400S
Washington, DC 20036


PHONE: 202-429-1600

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

Chief Executive Officer
Gray McGinnis

Gray McGinnis

VP of Government Relations
Chris Borgerding

Chris Borgerding

Director, Government Relations
Kira Forster

Kira Forster

Richie O’Neill

Richie O’Neill

Chief of Staff
Lily Davidson

Lily Davidson

Chief Operating Officer
Lisa Ward

Lisa Ward

VP of Communications
Heather Weddle

Heather Weddle

Membership Director
Stephanie Dernek

Stephanie Dernek

Events Director
Matt Steele

Matt Steele

Director, Government Relations
Shawn Thompson

Shawn Thompson
